Friday, November 13, 2009

The "List"

After a few bouts of stomach pains within the last week- which I know are directly associated with an allergen exposure- without the exact known "poison" that had caused my mini-reactions, I decided to take a look at my skin test list.  Much to my surprise, I discovered that 10 years ago when this test was done, I had failed to take into account the smaller reactions to foods to which I am slightly allergic.  Now knowing that these items could possibly cause me gastrointestinal discomfort, asthma, and eczema, I have taken upon myself the challenge to avoid these foods as often as possible.  This is proving to be far more difficult than I could have imagined. Yet, I have hopes that I will be able to avoid any further discomforts and mild reactions that I have so often experienced.  

My List (as noted from the 90 foods tested):
sunflower seed 
soy bean

* indicates the severe reactions 

I was surprised by a few items not coming up as positive allergens,  i.e. walnuts, brazil nuts, avocado (to which I have often found myself with an itchy throat), and mostly oyster, clam and scallops (to which I was certain I was allergic). 

I am hoping that through the wonderful student health services offered at NYU, I will be able to have another skin test done to see if any changes have occurred.  
As for now, I will continue on my mission to make my life as allergy free as possible.  But parsley, really?? Who would have thought.... 

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